
Basketball Drills - Rebounding Basics

Rebounding is an important element in basketball offense. If the offense misses a shot, then rebounding provides an opportunity to maintain possession of the ball and have another chance to score.

While certain physical attributes are advantageous to rebounders, players who are willing to train to improve technique and have determination and discipline can become successful rebounders and an invaluable asset to their team.

Rebounding Basics

Players need to understand that rebounding is a vital skill for all of them to develop. Reinforce that rebounding leads to three things: ball possession, fast breaks, and winning.

Once they understand how rebounding effects the outcome of the game, they should be motivated to hone their rebounding skills.

Rebounding technique, sometimes called "blocking out," "boxing out," or "checking" an opponent, consists of a few basic maneuvers:

  • See the shot.
  • Act as though the shot will be missed.
  • Find the opponent.
  • Block out the opponent.
  • Go to the ball.
  • Gain possession of the ball.
  • Move the ball to an open position.

While these steps may seem simple, executing them properly in a game can be easier said than done. For more free basketball rebound tips, visit my basketball coaching blog here.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing post on Youth Basketball Drills and coaching Strategies. I am looking for these kind of post. Keep Posting...
